• TippieRosa Transport SERVICE, LLC

    Official Website

    Keeping folks mobile to maintain socially active, independent, non-isolated lives with our reliable, courteous and professional door-to-door or point-to-point transportation services.

    Everyone deserves a great quality of life which includes leaving the house to go places that you enjoy, whether young, disabled, or elderly. Want to go to work, appointments, or attend a social event, call TippieRosa!


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    Some people need transportation to work so that they can improve the quality of life for themselves/their family or until they can obtain their own vehicle.

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    Schedule Transportation with TippieRosa at least 48 hours in Advance.

    Call/text: (937) 418-4482

    Email: dgivens44@tippierosa.com

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    Personal assistant services are available to wait with your loved ones at appointments, or other places.

    Personal assistant services give working caregivers a helping hand with juggling a busy schedule to keep loved ones' appointments and not losing so much time from work. These personal assistant services


    require an interview to arrange a contract for services to be provided before any services are rendered.

  • Approved to conduct business in the State of Ohio!!

    Ohio Business Certificate #5120116 issued by Ohio Secretary of State, Frank LaRose, to TippieRosa Transport Service, LLC, Effective date: 10/23/2023.

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    TippieRosa's registered name and logo.




    We want to help keep everyone mobile, to maintain independent, and socially active lives with our reliable and professional service!

  • Social Feed

  • Contact Us

    Don't be afraid to reach out. You + us = awesome.